Thursday, September 24, 2009


1. In my opinion, people hate math because they think its boring, they think that learning math has nothing to do with the life ahead of them. What they dont understand is that, people do math everyday, all the time, without even realizing it. Math can be fun, only if you have the right attitude about it. If you walk into class, and have negative thoughts about math, and how boring it is, of course you will not focus and will not learn. This goes out for anything, if you havve negative thoughts about it, it will be much harder to do.

2. I like math, when i pay attention. If i pay attention and understand the math, and get it, i actually enjoy learning it. We all have those days when we find it difficult to follow, and for me i get frustrated and thats when math seems to get dull. But ive seemed to learn to try and pay attention more, that way math comes easier to me. Being at BTW does help me pay attention, having super cool teachers that make math fun, makes it much easier to pay attention.

3. Math is important for "artists" because you can incorporate math in many different ways when you are doing some sort of art form. Being a visual artist i can incorporate math with sculpture, figuring out all of the dimensions, matting drawings, measurements for painting, many different ways.

4. Math education can improve by making it more fun. If people can see that math is actually fun and interesting, they will want to learn it and understand it more.

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